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The Scrap Price Bulletin website is no longer active. If you’re looking for current iron and steel scrap metal prices, market commentary or short-term outlooks, Fastmarkets has you covered.

All of our trusted Fastmarkets SPB (formerly known as Scrap Price Bulletin or Iron Age) prices and commentary are available through the Fastmarkets platform.

We’re happy to continue to serve you as the trusted source for steel and iron scrap prices for scrap brokers, generators, distributors and manufacturers with weekly assessments for scrap prices in 18 major markets across North America.

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We’ve got you covered across steel and steel raw materials, scrap and secondary, ores and alloys, base metals, minor metals, industrial minerals markets, including the energy transition and how it drives change, so you’ll always be ahead of your markets.

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What’s happening in global scrap markets today?

Fastmarkets’ international ferrous scrap prices were published earlier than scheduled on Friday January 26 due to an error.

The publication of Fastmarkets’ daily indicator for No1 busheling was delayed on Thursday January 18 due to an editor error. Fastmarkets’ pricing database has been updated.

Fastmarkets advises that, as of Wednesday January 10, 2024, certain monthly North American ferrous scrap assessments are yet to settle. Fastmarkets typically settles these markets on or before the 10th of the month.

Secondary aluminium markets in Europe should be significantly influenced by the availability of scrap through this year, with the rate of exports to Asia from Europe playing a key role in shaping price trends for ingot, according to industry sources

The publication of Fastmarkets’ Bangladesh steel scrap import price assessments for Thursday December 21 were delayed due to a technical error.

Demand for ferrous scrap rises in North America is surging and competition in the region for scrap and iron metallics is hotting up

Fastmarkets has issued a correction to its MB-STE-0336 steel scrap shredded auto scrap, consumer buying price, delivered mill Hamilton, which was published incorrectly on Tuesday December 12.

Fastmarkets advises that, as of Friday December 8, it has not settled its assessments of certain monthly regional ferrous scrap markets.

What’s the market sentiment for December? Read on for a summary of the results of our US ferrous scrap market survey for December, or click here to download your copy of the full US Scrap Trends Outlook for December 2023. The US ferrous scrap market is hotting up in winter months Significantly depressed scrap flows […]

The consumption of steel scrap in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) was expected to rise sharply in the coming years amid expansions in steelmaker capacities to feed greater steel demand