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The Scrap Price Bulletin website is no longer active. If you’re looking for current iron and steel scrap metal prices, market commentary or short-term outlooks, Fastmarkets has you covered.

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We’re happy to continue to serve you as the trusted source for steel and iron scrap prices for scrap brokers, generators, distributors and manufacturers with weekly assessments for scrap prices in 18 major markets across North America.

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What’s happening in global scrap markets today?

Here are the four key takeaways from the US scrap market participants in our May survey

Ferrous scrap could serve as a linchpin in decarbonizing both the steel and shipping sectors in South Korea, particularly in the short term, while waiting for emerging technologies such as hydrogen-based direct-reduced iron to be commercialized, Fastmarkets heard at a seminar on green steel and circularity

Singapore-based lithium-ion battery recycling company Green Li-ion has launched its first commercial-scale installation to produce battery-grade cathode and anode materials from black mass and cathode powder – the first of its kind in North America

Fastmarkets launched a suite of CIF India aluminium scrap prices on Wednesday April 17.

After a consultation period, Fastmarkets has amended the publishing frequency of the Pakistan shredded steel scrap import index from weekly to twice per week.

Indian imports of aluminium scrap have been rising consistently in recent years, creating significant demand among market participants for more transparent, comprehensive CIF India pricing.

Fastmarkets will amend the frequency of its price assessments for MB-STE-0879 Steel scrap H2 Japan origin import, cfr South Korea and MB-STE-0880 Steel scrap HMS 1&2 (80:20) deep-sea origin import, cfr South Korea on Friday April 12.

Fastmarkets has corrected its MB-STE-0894 steel scrap HMS 1&2 (80:20 mix), month-to-date deal-weighted average, North Europe origin, cfr Turkey, $/tonne, which was published incorrectly on Wednesday April 10.

Fastmarkets is launching a 30-day consultation to relist its assessment of the MB-STE-0309 steel scrap machine shop turnings, consumer buying price, delivered mill Pittsburgh.

Fastmarkets has corrected its MB-CU-0302 copper scrap No1 copper, buying price, delivered to brass mill US, US cents/lb, which was published incorrectly on Tuesday April 9.